6. Spruce


Remarkable trees walk

Standing in the middle of the buildings, this spruce, which was already there around 1950, looks very proud. You can shelter under its shade, as the local children do. When the neighbouring buildings were built, the owners of the triangle surrounding the conifer refused to sell. Thanks to this gesture, residents can now enjoy the coolness that comes from this tree. This is due to evapotranspiration, which is part of the water cycle and includes two phenomena, evaporation and transpiration. After rain, a certain amount of water is absorbed by the soil and plants. When it warms up, the water evaporates from the soil and returns to the atmosphere. The plants in turn transpire, releasing water back into the atmosphere. In Europe, tradition dictates that a fruit tree (apple, walnut, chestnut, pear) is planted when a child is born. The placenta is buried at the bottom of the planting hole; it will nourish the tree as it nourished the child. It is likely that this spruce was planted here for the birth of a child, even though it is not very common to choose this type of tree.

Practical Information

Latin name: Picea Abies Origin: Europe Circumference: 220 cm Height: 20 m Lifespan: 500 years

Remarkable trees walk

Standing in the middle of the buildings, this spruce, which was already there around 1950, looks very proud. You can shelter under its shade, as the local children do. When the neighbouring buildings were built, the owners of the triangle surrounding the conifer refused to sell. Thanks to this gesture, residents can now enjoy the coolness that comes from this tree. This is due to evapotranspiration, which is part of the water cycle and includes two phenomena, evaporation and transpiration. After rain, a certain amount of water is absorbed by the soil and plants. When it warms up, the water evaporates from the soil and returns to the atmosphere. The plants in turn transpire, releasing water back into the atmosphere. In Europe, tradition dictates that a fruit tree (apple, walnut, chestnut, pear) is planted when a child is born. The placenta is buried at the bottom of the planting hole; it will nourish the tree as it nourished the child. It is likely that this spruce was planted here for the birth of a child, even though it is not very common to choose this type of tree.

Practical Information

Latin name: Picea Abies Origin: Europe Circumference: 220 cm Height: 20 m Lifespan: 500 years

Getting There