Contact information
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Place de la Fontaine 1
1659 Rougemont
It stretches over the Flendruz ravine, where the river with the same name flows. The metal part of the bridge is divided into two spans of 41.6m each, resting on a central pillar 26m high. The construction of the Pont de Flendruz was completed before the MOB railway was opened in 1904. The residents of the Pays-d'Enhaut were waiting for this innovation, for which four main projects were considered.
The idea of the MOB, which was accepted by the authorities at the time, was to dig many tunnels in the mountain and was more focused on tourism than on local traffic. This new train was soon successful, connecting the shores of Lake Geneva and the mountains of Pays-d'Enhaut in one hour, even today.
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25