Through the Husky-Randos and Husky-Adventures offered by Cindy and Thomas, discover all the facets of the mythical husky that make it such an exceptional dog, often over-classified as just a "sled dog".
While the husky is renowned for its qualities as a sledge dog, their aim is to help you discover all the other qualities that make it such an exceptional dog. Their walks with their Siberian Huskies give you the chance to understand them better and to really interact with a husky thanks to its highly-developed social skills.
Cindy and Thomas offer a wide range of walks with their huskies all year round. Whether you're a beginner or a keen sportsman, there's something to suit all levels and tastes.
In winter, discover two magical experiences that will leave no one indifferent:
Office du Tourisme de Villars
Avenue Centrale 140 CP 100
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
+41 24 495 32 32