Contact information
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Place de la Fontaine 1
1659 Rougemont
In 2017, the independent association "Les plus beaux villages de Suisse" nominated the charming village of Rougemont as a member of the most beautiful villages in our country! The objectives of this association are to preserve, promote and rally in the form of a tourist network the member communes which, meeting the criteria established in the quality charter, are classified as such.
Situated at an altitude of almost 1,000 metres, Rougemont immediately attracts you with the beauty of its architectural heritage. You can discover several magnificent chalets, witnesses of the popular art of the region. These wooden buildings, some of which are over 400 years old, proudly display engravings, paintings, flowers and inscriptions.
Rougemont also takes you on a tour of its exceptional historical heritage. Founded by Cluny monks in 1080, the small mountain village includes an 11th century Romanesque church and a 16th century castle, both of which are important cultural monuments.
The village is an ISOS listed village and has been selected by Switzerland Tourism to be part of the "Magic of Beautiful Places" project.
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25