Contact information
Chalet des Echanoz
Route des Echanoz 5
1660 Château-d'Oex
Surrounded by forests and pastures, this accommodation is perfect for groups wishing to stay in a quiet area of the Pays-d'Enhaut. It is accessible by car from the centre of Château-d'Œx.
On 30 June 1964, 19 mountain enthusiasts created the "Club Montagne et ski PTT Lausanne". In 1965, the chalet was bought from the Blum family of Château-d'Oex. It took more than 2,000 hours to transform it into a warm and welcoming place.
Inside, the chalet has 60 beds, separated into dormitories of 4 to 9 places with a kitchen
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25