The shepherds of the time saw them every evening, they danced in the pastures of the Grand Chamossaire or sometimes they caught them sleeping at the foot of a rhododendron.
One day, a local shepherd got it into his head to marry one. After much searching, he found his fairy, wooed her gracefully and married her. The most beautiful love story, you say? No, the shepherd, taken with malice, regularly hit her, forbade her to go out, to dance in the meadows in the evening, and at each protest, he took out his stick.
In anger, the whole community took the young fairy away from the arms of her tyrant and all the fairies left the region and found a country where the men were more polite. From then on, spend every night possible outside, search all the rhododendrons in the area, the fairies have all disappeared from our lands.
Office du Tourisme de Villars
Avenue Centrale 140 CP 100
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
+41 24 495 32 32