Alpes Vaudoises

Sustainable development strategy

Télé Villars-Gryon-Diablerets SA

Sustainable development strategy

Télé Villars-Gryon-Les Diablerets SA (TVGD) is located in the heart of the Alpes Vaudoises, in a lively, rich and unspoilt environment.

As a major player in the region, we are aware of our environmental and social impacts and responsibilities. For several years now, we have been committed to promoting environmentally-friendly solutions, particularly in the areas of energy, mobility and natural resources, while continuing to develop our activities in a responsible manner.

What we want to achieve

Sustainability goals



Implement an energy efficiency strategy by adopting energy efficiency measures and more economical technologies. Reduce our energy consumption by 6% by 2029 compared with 2019.


Mobility and carbon footprint

Working to reduce our direct and indirect carbon emissions. Develop shared solutions to promote low-emission mobility options.


Natural resources

Understand the richness and diversity of our natural environment to better preserve and enhance it. Promoting responsible tourism by raising awareness among our visitors and encouraging sustainable practices.



Optimising the management of our operating and maintenance waste and exploring opportunities for recovery and recycling. Make our employees aware of the importance of waste management. Raising our customers' awareness of waste reduction, providing sustainable solutions and working together for a cleaner mountain.


Solidarity and employment

To create employment opportunities, support local development and establish solid partnerships with local stakeholders in order to promote the well-being of all and contribute to the growth of the destination. Do all we can to make our mountains places where everyone can find their place and enjoy a good quality of life.

Our commitments

The effects of climate change, while posing challenges for our mountain tourism destinations, also offer opportunities. To prepare for the future, we are adapting our infrastructure and activities to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, while preserving our environment and offering authentic experiences to our visitors.

Governance and responsibilities
Governance and responsibilities

As a major economic player, Télé Villars-Gryon-Les Diablerets SA takes its environmental, societal and economic responsibilities to its staff, customers, economic players and residents of the region very seriously. The company's active governance aims to integrate sustainability into all its activities and to promote sustainable development.

Evolving business strategy
Evolving business strategy

Faced with the challenges of climate change and changing expectations, our business strategy is evolving to provide tailored offerings, promoting innovation and sustainability. TVGD is moving towards a high-performance, diversified, innovative and resilient economy.

Climate and mobility
Climate and mobility

We are aiming to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by investing in hybrid snow groomers, offering soft mobility solutions with our partners and optimising our operational processes.

Sustainable management of energy resources
Sustainable management of energy resources

Sustainable management of energy resources is one of our priorities, involving anticipating energy needs, improving the efficiency of infrastructures and processes, and developing renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics.

Preserving ecosystems and natural resources
Preserving ecosystems and natural resources

Our ski area is home to local residents and numerous species of flora and fauna. Aware of this richness and the fragility of the ecosystems, we are committed to protecting and enhancing this natural heritage and water resources.

Social responsibility
Social responsibility

TVGD is actively involved in social responsibility, ensuring the well-being and safety of its employees while contributing to the economic and social development of the areas where it operates.

Key figures

Figures as of 30 September 2023

Figures as of 30 September 2023 © TVGD

Breakdown of revenue flows

Figures as of 30 September 2023

Figures as of 30 September 2023 © TVGD

Sustainable projects

Grand Chamossaire snow barriers
Grand Chamossaire snow barriers

The summit of Grand Chamossaire, a very windy area, is ideal for capturing snow using snow barriers. The accumulated snow will be used to consolidate the snowpack on the slopes, minimising the need for snow production and grooming.

Installing home automation in stations and monitoring facilities
Installing home automation in stations and monitoring facilities

By 2026, the heating systems in the lookouts will be equipped with independent sensors, heating regulation and open door and window detection. Lighting inside and outside our buildings will be linked to twilight sensors. Station heaters will be linked to temperature sensors so that they are only activated if the outside temperature is below 5°C. These projects will enable us to gradually reduce our consumption and help us to achieve our energy efficiency targets.

Profiling of the Rasse slope, a strategic link between Bretaye and Gryon
Profiling of the Rasse slope, a strategic link between Bretaye and Gryon

The La Rasse piste has an irregular, south-facing profile that requires a lot of snow to open it safely. The irregularity of the lower section is the source of many accidents.
Correcting the slopes and the shape of the terrain will make it possible to reduce the amount of snow needed to operate it.

  • Estimated savings of around 50% on snow production for this slope.
    • Water and energy savings
    • Optimisation of cold periods
  • Fewer hours of grooming
    • Reduced fuel consumption
    • Reduced emissions of CO2 and other pollutants
Grand Chamossaire: diversifying our offer
Grand Chamossaire: diversifying our offer

In order to strengthen our tourist offer and our appeal outside winter, in line with customer expectations, we are planning to develop leisure and sporting activities in the Grand Chamossaire sector:

  • A new mountain bike trail
  • A wooden observation platform and prism


Télé Villars-Gryon-Diablerets SA

  • Adress : Avenue Centrale 120 - 1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
  • Phone : +41 24 495 81 13
  • Email :
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