Herbalism with Alpes en Fleurs


Morning visit to flower and aromatic plant farms, and making herbal teas herbal teas at Alpes en fleurs, producers in the Park.

Mountain farmers Fanny and Sébastien Henchoz talk about their work with flowers and aromatic herbs. In a carefully cultivated field, plants grow side by side in the best biological conditions. After a tour of the gardens, you can make your own herbal tea to take home with you.

Practical Information

From 16 years Minimum 4 people, maximum 15 people Price: Activity offered as part of Taste Week Meeting point : La Comballaz bus stop, Centre 1862 La Comballaz Information and compulsory registration on: https://www.gruyerepaysdenhaut.ch/fr/agenda/herboristerie-avec-alpes-en-fleurs


Gruyères - Pays d'Enhaut Regional Nature Park website

Morning visit to flower and aromatic plant farms, and making herbal teas herbal teas at Alpes en fleurs, producers in the Park.

Mountain farmers Fanny and Sébastien Henchoz talk about their work with flowers and aromatic herbs. In a carefully cultivated field, plants grow side by side in the best biological conditions. After a tour of the gardens, you can make your own herbal tea to take home with you.

Practical Information

From 16 years Minimum 4 people, maximum 15 people Price: Activity offered as part of Taste Week Meeting point : La Comballaz bus stop, Centre 1862 La Comballaz Information and compulsory registration on: https://www.gruyerepaysdenhaut.ch/fr/agenda/herboristerie-avec-alpes-en-fleurs


Gruyères - Pays d'Enhaut Regional Nature Park website

Event information

08:45 - 12:00

Contact Information

Getting There