
6 unforgettable places to admire a summer sunset

Experience a privileged moment of pure connection with Nature.

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy long evenings and spectacular sunsets. Whether you're looking for a peaceful, romantic or more adventurous setting, you'll find what you're looking for in this destination for contemplating the play of light in the landscapes of the Alpes Vaudoises.

1. Golden Hours at Grand Chamossaire

Contemplate the majestic landscape from the summit, as well as and the Dolce Vista concept during these special evenings.

2. Pointe de Cray in Pays-d'Enhaut

A breathtaking moment at an altitude of 2,000 metres: watch the star set over the Pays-d'Enhaut and the Gruyère region.

3. The Prafandaz plateau in Leysin

The perfect place to watch the sun set over Lake Geneva, while enjoying a dedicated picnic and barbecue area.

4. Le Meilleret in Les Diablerets

An ideal route for admiring the flamboyant colours of the Vallée des Ormonts and the Dents du Midi, among other peaks, at the end of the day!

5. The Rocher des Rayes in Pays-d'Enhaut

Admire the setting sun and its reflections on the imposing Dent de Combette and enjoy a 360° view of the Vaud, Fribourg and Bernese Alps!

6. Lac de l'Hongrin at Les Mosses

Come and admire the orange reflections on the magnificent Lac de l'Hongrin at La LĂ©cherette, and enjoy a moment of rejuvenation in this unique setting.

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