Typical of the village of Rougemont, this chalet has all the traditional elements of this type of construction. The date of construction 1703 can be found at the top of the facade, a biblical text as well as the names of the owner and the carpenter engraved in the wood and the two symmetrical staircases each leading to a home, because often several generations of the same family lived under the same roof.
However, there is a special feature that decorates the wooden facade: two wooden corbels. The stories from the village say that these were made and sold by a local man. The buyer of these imposing statues could not bring them back to America immediately. He promised his seller that he would pick them up on his next stay in Rougemont. Unfortunately, the new owner disappeared in the famous and tragic sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Since that day, the two crows have remained there, waiting for the arrival of possible heirs.
Around 1900, a small barn-stable was rebuilt next to the Foisses' house. Unfortunately, this barn disappeared in a fire on 31st December 1998. The facade was saved from the flames.
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25