Alpes Vaudoises

Association Touristique Porte des Alpes members' area in Les Diablerets

Are you a service provider in the Diablerets region? Access the portal dedicated to service providers in the region.

Association Touristique Porte des Alpes members' area in Les Diablerets

Become a member of the Association Touristique Porte des Alpes - Les Diablerets

Would you like to support the development of tourism?

We invite you to become a member of the Association Touristique Porte des Alpes - Les Diablerets by paying an annual subscription. As a member, you have the right to vote at General Meetings.

Membership fees

Sympathising member
CHF 35.-
Self-employed and craftsmen
CHF 200.-
Local shops and restaurants
CHF 500.-
For further information

For further information

These prices are for information only and requests will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Les Diablerets

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