Contact information
Ass. Touristique Aigle-Leysin Col des Mosses (summer/winterescapade)
Route de la Cité 27
1854 Leysin
Take advantage of the Winter Escapade offer to gain some altitude! First, board the rack railway from Aigle to Leysin, from where you can overlook the vineyards, then cross the snow-covered forests before arriving in the village of Leysin. Then take the cable car up to La Berneuse at 2048m. Take a seat in the revolving restaurant Le Kuklos, where you can enjoy a half-and-half fondue or mountain röstis while admiring the 360° view that unfolds before your eyes. After this breath of fresh air, take the cable car back down to Leysin and then the train to Aigle.
Services included
Enjoy your meal in the revolving restaurant Le Kuklos and let the glorious mountain scenery glide in front of your eyes.
Route du Belvédère 8, 1854 Leysin, CH
Leysin Tourisme
Route de la Cité 27
1854 Leysin
+41 24 493 33 00