21. Nana common ash


Remarkable trees walk

This is a commemorative tree. It celebrates neither a birth nor a marriage. It was donated by the Abbey of the Grand District, the Nobles CĹ“urs (shooting society), for its 15th anniversary. Ash trees are currently suffering from an epidemic caused by a fungus called Chalarosis or ash wilt disease. There is no treatment available. As a result, only dangerous trees are felled. It is thought that 10% of ash trees will spontaneously resist the fungus. This one is currently spared.

Practical Information

Latin name: Fraxinus Excelsior 'Nana' Origin: Europe Circumference: 60 cm Height: 7 m Lifespan: 200 years

Remarkable trees walk

This is a commemorative tree. It celebrates neither a birth nor a marriage. It was donated by the Abbey of the Grand District, the Nobles CĹ“urs (shooting society), for its 15th anniversary. Ash trees are currently suffering from an epidemic caused by a fungus called Chalarosis or ash wilt disease. There is no treatment available. As a result, only dangerous trees are felled. It is thought that 10% of ash trees will spontaneously resist the fungus. This one is currently spared.

Practical Information

Latin name: Fraxinus Excelsior 'Nana' Origin: Europe Circumference: 60 cm Height: 7 m Lifespan: 200 years

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